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Contact GAHK

The Gemmological Association
of Hong Kong Ltd

P.O. Box 97711, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel. (852) 2366-6006 / Fax. : (852) 2153-9673

E-mail :
Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui for Hong Kong (HKSM/FCT-2016)
In February 2016, GAHK issued and published the English version of the "Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui for Hong Kong" (HKSM/FCT-2016). This Standard is to provide local gemstone testing laboratories with technical specifications to classify a Fei Cui test item (which has met the definition of Fei Cui and Natural Fei Cui specified in the Trade Descriptions Ordinance) known as Type A, Type B, Type C or Type B+C. The Chinese version of this Standard was also issued in September 2018. Public can freely view and download the bilingual version of this Standard from the new GAHK Feicui website.
《香港標準翡翠測試方法》(HKSM/FCT-2016) [中文翻譯文本]
Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui (Jadeite Jade) for Hong Kong (HKSM/JJT-2006)
GAHK would like to announce the "Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui for Hong Kong" (HKSM/FCT-2016) will replace the "Standard Methods for Testing Fei Cui (Jadeite Jade) for Hong Kong" (HKSM/JJT-2006) effective from 1 July 2021.
Standard Methods for Testing Diamond for Hong Kong (HKSM/DT-2008)
Diamond Standard
Method 1 - Autheticity
Method 2 - Weight of Diamond
Method 3 - Colour of Diamond
Method 4 - Fluorescence of Diamond
Method 5 - Clarity of Diamond
Method 6 - Shape cut & proportion
Method 7 - Diamond Cutgrade


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